Guidance at Pobalscoil na Tríonóide
The Guidance Department addresses the personal and social, educational and vocational development of our students. The aim of the service is to support the guidance and counselling needs of the student in the context of the overall school mission statement.
The service is provided by a team of four Guidance Counsellors together with an active student management support team.
At junior level subject choice, study skills and transitioning have always been addressed, both within a formal classroom setting and informally at one to one meetings. This year a new Junior Cycle Guidance programme has been introduced as part of the Well Being framework which will be delivered by the Guidance Team. It will include modules on Transitioning, Learning Styles, Study Skills, Subject Choice and a new career development module.
At senior level, topics covered include subject choice, study skills, examination techniques, and preparation for the world of work, application for further study, including CAO, UCAS and Post Leaving Certificate courses. The students are given the opportunity to attend various college open days and career events. In addition visiting speakers are organised to present to them in school throughout the year. We also invite some of our past students currently studying at third level, to come and talk to small groups of students about their courses.
This year we are delighted to announce that we will be hosting our biennial Careers Evening on Wednesday the 23rd of January, 7 – 8.30pm.
We endeavour to keep our students and parents up to date with the many Career and Guidance related events that take place during the year via the Pobalscoil na Tríonóide text messaging service, website and by following us on twitter @trionoidegc
Useful Links
- Comprehensive information on further and higher education and training courses available in Ireland and further