Laura Buckner

Great Success for the girls of Pobalscoil Ná Tríonóide
Last Saturday the panel of 37 girls from all around the Youghal area played together as a team in the Munster colleges camogie U16 ½ ‘A’ South against a panel of 18 girls who travelled all the way down from Causeway Comprehensive School in County Kerry. The weather wasn’t perfect but was just good enough to play the match although it was cold the sun managed to come out in the second half and thaw out the players from the cold morning.
The day before the Pobalscoil girls had a lovely surprise from a motivational talk from Briege Corkery, Briege has over 15 all Ireland medals. She informed the girls how to not get too nervous before the match
The Pobalscoil girls put on a massive performance and with the help of the crowd of supporters and their coaches, they played a blinder and won the match 3-11 to 1-4. They were a bit doubtful by half time as they were only up by a few points, but Hannah O’Keeffe, Chloe O’Connell Jenny Doyle and many others helped the forwards to up the momentum and managed to score enough to keep them in the lead. Pobalscoils defense were put under immense pressure at the last 15 minutes as Causeway were winning puck outs and travelling down to the other side of the field but Pobalscoil managed to keep as much as they could out. The girls had been training the past year and has finally paid off as now they have a Munster medal under their belt.
After all the commotion of the game the girls from Pobalscoil the captain of the team, Éabha Walsh made a fantastic speech to all the supporters, coaches and Causeway. Mr. Lotty then presented the cup to Éabha on behalf of Pobalscoil Ná Trionoide team.
After all the pictures and celebrations, they continued into the canteen inside the school where everyone was offered soup and a hot cup of tea. All the girls were congratulated, and you could see from the smiles on their faces they were over the moon with their win. All their hard work paid off!