Drugs and Alcohol Parent Talk
Date: Tuesday, 19th November 2019
Time: 7.00 – 8.15 pm
Venue: Central Triangle, Pobalscoil na Tríonóide
Speakers: Liam Doocey, Youth Worker and Parent Life Coach
Mandy Graham, Youghal Community based Youth Officer
All Parents are invited to a talk on Tuesday,19th November, 7 00pm – 8.15 pm. Liam Doocey will speak on the challenges for parents around teenagers and substance misuse.
Mandy Graham will also speak about the service she provides as Youghal Community based Youth Officer to students and families affected by substance misuse.
Your children, our students, face many challenges negotiating the world they live in. Experimentation with legal and illegal substances can have a life-changing impact. To educate and build resilience in our students, second year students are completing a substance use module in their SPHE classes. They will participate in an 80 minute workshop with Liam Doocey, Youth Worker on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th November 2019 to further reinforce informed decision making in this area.
We encourage all parents to attend as this is an issue of great concern facing all young people in our community.