Pobalscoil na Tríonóide

Mission Statement


Together we respect one another, value learning nurture community and pursue excellence.

Léirímid meas ar a cheile, cuirimid luach ar an bhfoghlaim, tugamid tús áite dár bpobal, téimid i dtreo na foirfeachta de shíor.

About Us

Pobalscoil Na Tríonóide

Pobalscoil na Tríonóide provides a comprehensive programme of Post-Primary education open to all the children of Youghal and surrounding areas.

Our school is concerned with the holistic growth of all pupils, and aims to contribute to their Spiritual, Intellectual, Moral, Mental and Physical well being and development.

The characteristic spirit of Pobalscoil na Tríonóide is one of openness and inclusiveness, and where all members of the school community are cherished equally. Our school aims to instill a spirit of intellectual enquiry and academic endeavor in the pupils, fostering in them a desire for participation and challenge. We strive to build individual and compassionate young men and women of character. The transmission of culture, heritage and values is recognised as central to the process of education in the school.

Pobalscoil na Tríonóide strives to respond to the educational needs of pupils, respecting the individual strengths and needs of each one. The pastoral care of the pupils is of particular concern to the school community, involving close collaboration between the school and parents/guardians. The school aims to work in co-operation with the local community; the school being a resource for the community, and the community being a resource for the school.

The Aims of the School

1. To provide a comprehensive system of post-primary education open to all the community.

2. To deliver a broad, balanced curriculum in a structured positive learning environment.

3. To assist students to reach their potential in all aspects of school life – practical, academic, creative, social, cultural, spiritual, moral and physical.

4. To provide the students with life skills, which will prepare them for their adult/working lives.

5. To develop and implement a programme of pastoral care.

6. To promote equity, equality and justice throughout the school.

7. To encourage in all students a positive self-concept and sensitivity to the needs of others in the community.

8. To foster a partnership and working relationship with parents, teachers and others in the community.

9. To offer a comprehensive programme of adult education.

10. To nurture and promote a progressive work ethic in all dimensions of the curriculum.

11. To promote qualities which are character enhancing e.g. honesty, appreciation, respect, integrity, courtesy, responsibility, self-discipline, ambition.

12. To support and enhance the professional and personal development of the teaching staff both individually and collectively.

13. To support the right for teachers to teach and students to be taught without disruption in a stress-free classroom environment.

14. To recognise and nurture the primary education role of parent/guardian.

15. To recognise and develop the role played by the clerical, maintenance and other staff in the life of the school.

17 2025
Mid Term/ Briseadh Lár Tearma
20 2025
World Social Justice Day
03 2025
Fairtrade Fortnight
04 2025
Youghal First Cut Film Festival this week
06 2025
1st Yr Parent Teacher Meeting (16:15 - 18:45)
Follow us
Pobalscoil na Tríonóide,
Co. Cork,

024 25836

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© 2025 Pobalscoil na Tríonóide