PPLI Competition
Congratulations to Diarmuid Hanna and Brian Ronayne, Fifth Year, who were awarded second prize in the Post Primary Language Initiative National competition. The students had to create a video in Spanish promoting Castilla y León as a tourist destination, while simultaneously incorporating a commonly-used item in Ireland which is not so common in Spain, and giving it new uses. The boys chose to repurpose a hot-water bottle as a cold-water bottle for the heat; and to introduce the wonderful 'medicinal' properties of flat 7-Up to the local population! In the filming of their project, the boys were ably assisted by Lucía García Prieto and Nadia Senouci. The prize is a scholarship to cover the cost of accommodation and language school for one week in Castilla y León, Spain for the students and their teacher, Ms. Daly, during the summer of 2019. The prizes will be presented at a ceremony in the Spanish Embassy in the coming weeks. Enhorabuena chicos, estamos muy orgullosos!