Attached please find details of the forthcoming Munster Schools Swimming Championships from Munster Swimming . For school entries and affiliation students should be please contact Ms. Phelan in school.
The Munster Minor & Senior Schools Swimming Championships for girls and boys will take place at the University Of Limerick Swimming Pool, Limerick on Saturday 12th. October ( Minors) and Sunday 13th. October 2019 (Seniors).
The Senior age groups (based on the swimmers age as of 31.08.2020) are:
Junior (born between 1.9.2005 and 31.8.2007)
Inter (born between 1.9.2003 and 31.8.2005)
Senior (born between 1.9.2000 and 31.8.2003)
A swimmer shall take part in not more than two individual events in his or her age group and in any two relays.
FEES : 5 euro per individual event, 20 euro per relay event. The affiliation fee for the school is included in the entry fees. Due to the necessity of having parental permission for anti-doping procedures, only one swimmer can be entered on each individual form - see entry conditions below. A school may enter only ONE team in any relay event. All relay teams may be entered on the same form. CHEQUES MUST BE MADE PAYABLE TO MUNSTER REGION SWIM IRELAND (Schools)
1) Submit individual best times.
2) Entries will not be accepted unless they
a) are accompanied by the entry fees, made payable to Munster Region SI (Schools)
b) bear the School’s stamp or be signed by the Principal or Teacher responsible for Sport;
c) include the name and contact telephone number of the Adult-in-Charge;
d) indicate the School’s approval of the Adult-in-Charge;
e) in the case of entrants under 18 years of age on the date of the competition, have the signed agreement by a parent that their daughter(s)/son(s) may be subjected to anti-doping procedures as performed by the Irish Sports Council, or any agency approved by the Council to undertake such testing. This consent must also cover possible testing at the Irish School Swimming Championships
The closing date for receipt of entries is Monday, September 30th. 2019 ABSOLUTELY NO LATE ENTRIES will be accepted. Any entry not fulfilling the entry conditions will be rejected. Any entry not received at the address below by the closing date will be rejected. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.
Entries and fees
Pat Donovan, 22 Springfield Estate, Mayfield, Cork